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this section is dedicated to sharing other people's stories, advice and experiences with female anatomy, sexual health, puberty etc. found on Reddit and told by friends and family.

Reddit threads include: "THINGS EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT HER BODY" - TwoXChromosomes


Did you believe something that wasn't accurate about the female anatomy?
Do you have any additional information you think should be included?
Do you have any stories about bad female anatomy?

Send an email and we can add it to this page :)


"Also related to antibiotics: some forms can make birth control less effective. So always use an alternate form of protection when taking antibiotics! I think it may be for up to a week after, but someone can correct me if that's wrong"

"Yep. This is how my Sister got pregnant!"


"You can get different period symptoms depending on which ovary releases the egg. So for example, you could get cramps one month and acne the next depending on if it was the right or left. It could be why you may feel you get symptoms every other month and not every time (I know I do)."

"stretch marks happen to everyone. Not just women who have been pregnant""

"My boyfriend has stretch marks on his back, his arms, his inner thighs and his butt cheeks"


"Montgomery glands are those bumps on your nipples, totally normal. I grew up thinking I had pimples on my nips and was super embarrassed for the longest.

"I didn't realise you could break your hymen without having sex"

"PEE AFTER SEX - Peeing after sex can help to flush bacteria out of the urethra, and therefore help to avoid getting a UTI"

"trust me, the 2 minutes it takes to pee after is worth not having to be in pain for weeks, constantly feeling like you need to pee and when you do it burns"

- a UTI (urinary tract infection) is an infection of your bladder, kidneys or the tubes connected to them. symptoms include a sudden need to pee and pain or a burning sensation when peeing

"vaginas are self-cleaning. you never need to clean the inside of your vagina with water, soap or any other feminine hygiene products"

"excessive cleaning of your vulva and vagina can cause UTI's as you are washing the good bacteria away as well as the bad bacteria"


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